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Tucker, Michael C, and Lei Cheng."Integrated thermal management strategy and materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.23 (2011) 10074 - 10078. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Lei Cheng, and Lutgard C DeJonghe."Glass-containing composite cathode contact materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.20 (2011) 8435 - 8443. DOI
Weber, Adam Z, Matthew M Mench, Jeremy P Meyers, Philip N Ross, Jeffrey T Gostick, and Qinghua Liu."Redox Flow Batteries: a Review."J. Appl. Electrochem
41.10 (2011) 1137-1164. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Lei Cheng, and Lutgard C DeJonghe."Selection of cathode contact materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.20 (2011) 8313 - 8322. DOI
Gunterman, Haluna P, Anthony Kwong, Jeffrey T Gostick, Ahmet Kusoglu, and Adam Z Weber."Water Uptake in PEMFC Catalyst Layers."220th ECS Meeting
41 (2011) 647. DOI
Yoon, Wonseok, and Adam Z Weber."Modeling Low-Platinum-Loading Effects in Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layers."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
158.8 (2011) B1007-1018. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Lei Cheng, and Lutgard DeJonghe."Cathode Contact Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells."219th ECS Meeting
(2011). DOI
Hwang, Gisuk, Massoud Kaviany, Jeffrey T Gostick, Brian L Kienitz, Adam Z Weber, and Moo Hwan Kim."Role of Water States on Water Uptake and Proton Transport in Nafion using Molecular Simulations and Bimodal Network."Polymer
52.12 (2011) 2584-2593. DOI
Mukundan, Rangachary, Greg James, John Davey, Torraco Langlois, Wonseok Yoon, Adam Z Weber, and Rodney L Borup."Accelerated Testing Validation."ECS Trans.
41 (2011).
Nobuaki, Nonoyama, Okazaki Shinobu, Adam Z Weber, Ikogi Yoshihiro, and Yoshida Toshihiko."Analysis of Oxygen-Transport Diffusion Resistance in Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel Cells."J. Electrochem. Society
158 (2011).
Kusoglu, Ahmet, and Adam Z Weber."Compression and Hydration Effects of PFSA Membranes."9th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering
He, Qinggang, Ahmet Kusoglu, Ivan T Lucas, Kyle Clark, Adam Z Weber, and Robert Kostecki."Correlating Humidity-Dependent Ionically Conductive Surface Area with Transport Phenomena in Proton-Exchange Membranes."J. Phys. Chem. B.
115.40 (2011) 11650-11657. DOI
Das, Prodip K, Adam Grippin, and Adam Z Weber."Detachment of Liquid-Water Droplets from Gas-Diffusion Layers."ECS Trans.
41 (2011).
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Ruichun Jiang, Craig S Gittleman, and Adam Z Weber."Effect of Compression on Conductivity and Morphology of PFSA Membranes."242nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Denver (2011). LBNL-5383E-Ex-Abs.
DeFilippo, A, Samveg Saxena, Vi H Rapp, Jyh-Yuan Chen, and Robert W Dibble."Extending the lean flammability limit of gasoline using a microwave assisted sparkplug."
Kienitz, Brian L, Haruhiko Yamada, Nobuaki Nonoyama, and Adam Z Weber."Interfacial Water Transport Effects in Proton-Exchange Membranes."J. Fuel Cell Science Technology
8 (2011).
Das, Prodip K, Haluna P Gunterman, Anthony Kwong, and Adam Z Weber."Liquid-Water Uptake and Removal in PEM Fuel-Cell Components."2011 Fuel Cell Seminar
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Brian L Kienitz, and Adam Z Weber."Understanding the Effects of Compression and Constraint on Water Uptake of Fuel-Cell Membranes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
158.12 (2011) B1504-B1514. DOI
Lau, Grace Y, Michael C Tucker, Craig P Jacobson, Steven J Visco, Stacy H Gleixner, and Lutgard C DeJonghe."Chromium transport by solid state diffusion on solid oxide fuel cell cathode."Journal of Power Sources
195.22 (2010) 7540 - 7547. DOI
Weber, Adam Z."Improved modeling and understanding of diffusion-media wettability on polymer-electrolyte-fuel-cell performance."Journal of Power Sources
195 (2010) 5292-5304. DOI
Tucker, Michael C."Progress in metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells: A review."Journal of Power Sources
195.15 (2010) 4570 - 4582. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Grace Y Lau, Craig P Jacobson, Steven J Visco, and Lutgard C De Jonghe."Cu–YSZ cermet solid oxide fuel cell anode prepared by high-temperature sintering."Journal of Power Sources
195.10 (2010) 3119 - 3123. DOI
Littlejohn, David, Robert K Cheng, David R Noble, and Tim Lieuwen."Laboratory Investigations of Low-Swirl Injectors Operating With Syngases."Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
132.1 (2009) 011502-011509. DOI
Weber, Adam Z, and John S Newman."Using a Quasi-Potential Transformation for Modeling Diffusion Media in Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells."SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
70.2 (2009) 488 - 509. DOI
Weber, Adam Z, and Michael A Hickner."Modeling and high-resolution-imaging studies of water-content profiles in a polymer-electrolyte-fuel-cell membrane-electrode assembly."Electrochimica Acta
53.26 (2009) 7668-7674. DOI