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Modestino, Miguel A, Devproshad K Paul, Shudipto Dishari, Stephanie A Petrina, Frances I Allen, Michael A Hickner, Kunal Karan, Rachel A Segalman, and Adam Z Weber."Self-Assembly and Transport Limitations in Confined Nafion Films."Macromolecules
46.3 (2013) 867 - 873. DOI
Therkelsen, Peter L, J. J Enrique Portillo, David Littlejohn, Scott M Martin, and Robert K Cheng."Self-induced unstable behaviors of CH4 and H2/CH4 flames in a model combustor with a low-swirl injector."Combustion and Flame
160.2 (2013) 307 - 321. DOI
Fairweather, Joseph, Dusan Spernjak, Adam Z Weber, David Harvey, Silvia Wessel, Daniel S Hussey, David L Jacobson, Kateryna Artyushkova, Rangachary Mukundan, and Rodney L Borup."Effects of Cathode Corrosion on Through-Plane Water Transport in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
160.9 (2013) F980 - F993. DOI
Davis, Dustin W, Peter L Therkelsen, David Littlejohn, and Robert K Cheng."Effects of Hydrogen on the Thermo-Acoustics Coupling Mechanisms of Low-Swirl Injector Flames in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
34.2 (2013) 3135–3143. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Alexander Hexemer, Ruichun Jiang, Craig S Gittleman, and Adam Z Weber."Effect of compression on PFSA-ionomer morphology and predicted conductivity changes."Journal of Membrane Science
421-422 (2012) 283 - 291. DOI
Hussey, Daniel S, Dusan Spernjak, Adam Z Weber, Rangachary Mukundan, Joseph Fairweather, Eric L Brosha, John Davey, Jacob S Spendelow, David L Jacobson, and Rodney L Borup."Accurate measurement of the through-plane water content of proton-exchange membranes using neutron radiography."Journal of Applied Physics
112.10 (2012) 104906. DOI
Cho, Kyu-Taek, Paul L Ridgway, Adam Z Weber, Sophia Haussener, Vincent S Battaglia, and Venkat Srinivasan."High performance hydrogen/bromine redox flow battery for grid-scale energy storage."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
159.11 (2012) A1806-A1815. DOI
Haussener, Sophia, Chengxiang Xiang, Joshua M Spurgeon, Shane Ardo, Nathan S Lewis, and Adam Z Weber."Modeling, simulation, and design criteria for photoelectrochemical water-splitting systems."Energy & Environmental Science
5.12 (2012) 9922-9935. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Suchol Savagatrup, Kyle Clark, and Adam Z Weber."Role of Mechanical Factors in Controlling the Structure–Function Relationship of PFSA Ionomers."Macromolecules
45.18 (2012) 7467 - 7476. DOI
Aieta, Niccolo V, Prodip K Das, Andrew Perdue, Guido Bender, Andrew M Herring, Adam Z Weber, and Michael J Ulsh."Applying infrared thermography as a quality-control tool for the rapid detection of polymer-electrolyte-membrane-fuel-cell catalyst-layer-thickness variations."Journal of Power Sources
211 (2012) 4 - 11. DOI
Rapp, Vi H, Anthony DeFilippo, Samveg Saxena, Jyh-Yuan Chen, Robert W Dibble, Atsushi Nishiyama, Ahsa Moon, and Yuji Ikeda."Extending Lean Operating Limit and Reducing Emissions of Methane Spark-Ignited Engines Using a Microwave-Assisted Spark Plug." Journal of Combustion
2012 (2012). DOI
Modestino, Miguel A, Ahmet Kusoglu, Alexander Hexemer, Adam Z Weber, and Rachel A Segalman."Controlling Nafion Structure and Properties via Wetting Interactions."Macromolecules
45.11 (2012) 4681 - 4688. DOI
Beerer, David, Vincent McDonnell, Peter L Therkelsen, and Robert K Cheng."Flashback, Blow out, Emissions and Turbulent Displacement Flame Speed Measurements in a Hydrogen and Methane Fired Low-Swirl Injector at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures”."ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Power for Land, Sea and Air
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Adam Z Weber, Kirt A Page, Christopher L Soles, and James Runt."Water Transport and Sorption in Nafion Membrane."Polymers for Energy Storage and Delivery: Polyelectrolytes for Batteries and Fuel Cells
1096 (2012) 175 - 199. DOI
Zhu, Xiaobing, John B Kerr, Qinggang He, Gisuk Hwang, Zulima Martin, Kyle Clark, Adam Z Weber, and Nana Zhao."Bridge to Fuel Cell Molecular Catalysis: 3D Non-Platinum Group Metal Catalyst in MEAs."ECS Transactions
45.2 (2012) 143 - 152. DOI
Weber, Adam Z."Macroscopic Modeling of the Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layer."ECS Transactions
45.2 (2012) 71 - 83. DOI
Cho, Kyu-Taek, and Matthew M Mench."Investigation of the role of the micro-porous layer in polymer electrolyte fuel cells with hydrogen deuterium contrast neutron radiography."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
14 (2012) 4296-4302. DOI
Das, Prodip K, Adam Grippin, Anthony Kwong, and Adam Z Weber."Liquid-Water-Droplet Adhesion-Force Measurements on Fresh and Aged Fuel-Cell Gas-Diffusion Layers."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
159.5 (2012) B489. DOI
Hwang, Gisuk, and Adam Z Weber."Effective-Diffusivity Measurement of Partially-Saturated Fuel-Cell Gas-Diffusion Layers."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
159.11 (2012) F683 - F692. DOI
Jung, Sokhee, Young-Ho Ahn, Sang-Eun Oh, Junho Lee, Kyu-Taek Cho, Youngjin Kim, Myeong Woon Kim, Joonmok Shim, and Moonsung Kang."Impedance and thermodynamic analysis of bioanode, abiotic anode, and riboflavin-amended anode in microbial fuel cells."Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society
33 (2012) 3349-3354. DOI
Dursch, Thomas J, Monica A Ciontea, Clayton J Radke, and Adam Z Weber."Isothermal Ice Crystallization Kinetics in the Gas-Diffusion Layer of a Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel Cell."Langmuir
28.2 (2012) 1222 - 1234. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Miguel A Modestino, Alexander Hexemer, Rachel A Segalman, and Adam Z Weber."Subsecond Morphological Changes in Nafion during Water Uptake Detected by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering."ACS Macro Letters
1.1 (2012) 33 - 36. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Anthony Kwong, Kyle Clark, Haluna P Gunterman, and Adam Z Weber."Water Uptake of Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layers."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
159.9 (2012) F530 - F535. DOI
Weber, Adam Z, Sivagaminathan Balasubramanian, Prodip K Das, and Sundmacher Kai."Chapter 2 - Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells."Advances in Chemical EngineeringFuel Cell EngineeringProton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
41 (2012) 65 - 144. DOI
Therkelsen, Peter L, David Littlejohn, and Robert K Cheng."Parametric Study of Low-Swirl Injector Geometry on it Operability."ASME TurboExpo