Publications: ECG: Fuel Cells
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Hwang, Gisuk, Hyoungchul Kim, Roger Lujan, Rangachary Mukundan, Dusan Spernjak, Rodney L Borup, Massoud Kaviany, Moo Hwan Kim, and Adam Z Weber."Phase-change-related degradation of catalyst layers in proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells."Electrochimica Acta
95 (2013) 29 - 37. DOI
Fairweather, Joseph, Dusan Spernjak, Adam Z Weber, David Harvey, Silvia Wessel, Daniel S Hussey, David L Jacobson, Kateryna Artyushkova, Rangachary Mukundan, and Rodney L Borup."Effects of Cathode Corrosion on Through-Plane Water Transport in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
160.9 (2013) F980 - F993. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Alexander Hexemer, Ruichun Jiang, Craig S Gittleman, and Adam Z Weber."Effect of compression on PFSA-ionomer morphology and predicted conductivity changes."Journal of Membrane Science
421-422 (2012) 283 - 291. DOI
Hussey, Daniel S, Dusan Spernjak, Adam Z Weber, Rangachary Mukundan, Joseph Fairweather, Eric L Brosha, John Davey, Jacob S Spendelow, David L Jacobson, and Rodney L Borup."Accurate measurement of the through-plane water content of proton-exchange membranes using neutron radiography."Journal of Applied Physics
112.10 (2012) 104906. DOI
Aieta, Niccolo V, Prodip K Das, Andrew Perdue, Guido Bender, Andrew M Herring, Adam Z Weber, and Michael J Ulsh."Applying infrared thermography as a quality-control tool for the rapid detection of polymer-electrolyte-membrane-fuel-cell catalyst-layer-thickness variations."Journal of Power Sources
211 (2012) 4 - 11. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Adam Z Weber, Kirt A Page, Christopher L Soles, and James Runt."Water Transport and Sorption in Nafion Membrane."Polymers for Energy Storage and Delivery: Polyelectrolytes for Batteries and Fuel Cells
1096 (2012) 175 - 199. DOI
Zhu, Xiaobing, John B Kerr, Qinggang He, Gisuk Hwang, Zulima Martin, Kyle Clark, Adam Z Weber, and Nana Zhao."Bridge to Fuel Cell Molecular Catalysis: 3D Non-Platinum Group Metal Catalyst in MEAs."ECS Transactions
45.2 (2012) 143 - 152. DOI
Weber, Adam Z."Macroscopic Modeling of the Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layer."ECS Transactions
45.2 (2012) 71 - 83. DOI
Das, Prodip K, Adam Grippin, Anthony Kwong, and Adam Z Weber."Liquid-Water-Droplet Adhesion-Force Measurements on Fresh and Aged Fuel-Cell Gas-Diffusion Layers."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
159.5 (2012) B489. DOI
Hwang, Gisuk, and Adam Z Weber."Effective-Diffusivity Measurement of Partially-Saturated Fuel-Cell Gas-Diffusion Layers."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
159.11 (2012) F683 - F692. DOI
Dursch, Thomas J, Monica A Ciontea, Clayton J Radke, and Adam Z Weber."Isothermal Ice Crystallization Kinetics in the Gas-Diffusion Layer of a Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel Cell."Langmuir
28.2 (2012) 1222 - 1234. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Anthony Kwong, Kyle Clark, Haluna P Gunterman, and Adam Z Weber."Water Uptake of Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layers."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
159.9 (2012) F530 - F535. DOI
Weber, Adam Z, Sivagaminathan Balasubramanian, Prodip K Das, and Sundmacher Kai."Chapter 2 - Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells."Advances in Chemical EngineeringFuel Cell EngineeringProton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
41 (2012) 65 - 144. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, and Lei Cheng."Integrated thermal management strategy and materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.23 (2011) 10074 - 10078. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Lei Cheng, and Lutgard C DeJonghe."Glass-containing composite cathode contact materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.20 (2011) 8435 - 8443. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Lei Cheng, and Lutgard C DeJonghe."Selection of cathode contact materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.20 (2011) 8313 - 8322. DOI
Gunterman, Haluna P, Anthony Kwong, Jeffrey T Gostick, Ahmet Kusoglu, and Adam Z Weber."Water Uptake in PEMFC Catalyst Layers."220th ECS Meeting
41 (2011) 647. DOI
Yoon, Wonseok, and Adam Z Weber."Modeling Low-Platinum-Loading Effects in Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layers."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
158.8 (2011) B1007-1018. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Lei Cheng, and Lutgard DeJonghe."Cathode Contact Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells."219th ECS Meeting
(2011). DOI
Mukundan, Rangachary, Greg James, John Davey, Torraco Langlois, Wonseok Yoon, Adam Z Weber, and Rodney L Borup."Accelerated Testing Validation."ECS Trans.
41 (2011).
Nobuaki, Nonoyama, Okazaki Shinobu, Adam Z Weber, Ikogi Yoshihiro, and Yoshida Toshihiko."Analysis of Oxygen-Transport Diffusion Resistance in Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel Cells."J. Electrochem. Society
158 (2011).
Das, Prodip K, Adam Grippin, and Adam Z Weber."Detachment of Liquid-Water Droplets from Gas-Diffusion Layers."ECS Trans.
41 (2011).
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Ruichun Jiang, Craig S Gittleman, and Adam Z Weber."Effect of Compression on Conductivity and Morphology of PFSA Membranes."242nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Denver (2011). LBNL-5383E-Ex-Abs.
Kienitz, Brian L, Haruhiko Yamada, Nobuaki Nonoyama, and Adam Z Weber."Interfacial Water Transport Effects in Proton-Exchange Membranes."J. Fuel Cell Science Technology
8 (2011).
Das, Prodip K, Haluna P Gunterman, Anthony Kwong, and Adam Z Weber."Liquid-Water Uptake and Removal in PEM Fuel-Cell Components."2011 Fuel Cell Seminar