X Author: Ruofan Wang
Shen, Fengyu, Michael Reisert, Ruofan Wang, Prabhakar Singh, and Michael C Tucker."Assessment of Protective Coatings for Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells."ACS Applied Energy Materials
5.8 (2022) 9383 - 9391. DOI
Dogdibegovic, Emir, Yuan Cheng, Fengyu Shen, Ruofan Wang, Boxun Hu, and Michael C Tucker."Scaleup and manufacturability of symmetric-structured metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
489.31 (2021) 229439. DOI
Dogdibegovic, Emir, Yuan Cheng, Fengyu Shen, Ruofan Wang, Boxun Hu, and Michael C Tucker."Scaleup and manufacturability of symmetric-structured metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
489.31 (2021) 229439. DOI
Shen, Fengyu, Ruofan Wang, and Michael C Tucker."Long term durability test and post mortem for metal-supported solid oxide electrolysis cells."Journal of Power Sources
474 (2020) 228618. DOI
Wang, Ruofan, Emir Dogdibegovic, Grace Y Lau, and Michael C Tucker."Metal‐Supported Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell with Significantly Enhanced Catalysis."Energy Technology
7.5 (2019) 1801154. DOI
Wang, Ruofan, Grace Y Lau, Dong Ding, Tianli Zhu, and Michael C Tucker."Approaches for co-sintering metal-supported proton-conducting solid oxide cells with Ba(Zr,Ce,Y,Yb)O3-δ/sub> electrolyte."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
44.26 (2019) 13768 - 13776. DOI
Wang, Ruofan, Conor Byrne, and Michael C Tucker."Assessment of co-sintering as a fabrication approach for metal-supported proton-conducting solid oxide cells."Solid State Ionics
332 (2019) 25 - 33. DOI
Wang, Ruofan, Zhihao Sun, Jung-Pyung Choi, Soumendra N Basu, Jeffry W Stevenson, and Michael C Tucker."Ferritic stainless steel interconnects for protonic ceramic electrochemical cell stacks: Oxidation behavior and protective coatings."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
44.47 (2019) 25297 - 25309. DOI
Dogdibegovic, Emir, Ruofan Wang, Grace Y Lau, and Michael C Tucker."High performance metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells with infiltrated electrodes."Journal of Power Sources
410-411 (2019) 91 - 98. DOI
Dogdibegovic, Emir, Ruofan Wang, Grace Y Lau, Alireza Karimaghaloo, Min Hwan Lee, and Michael C Tucker."Progress in durability of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells with infiltrated electrodes."Journal of Power Sources
437 (2019) 226935. DOI