X Author: Rodney L Borup
Lee, ChungHyuk, Xiaohua Wang, Jui-Kun Peng, Adlai Katzenberg, Rajesh K Ahluwalia, Ahmet Kusoglu, Siddharth Komini Babu, Jacob S Spendelow, Rangachary Mukundan, and Rodney L Borup."Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Cation Effects in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
14.31 (2022) 35555 - 35568. DOI
Cullen, David A, K C Neyerlin, Rajesh K Ahluwalia, Rangachary Mukundan, Karren L More, Rodney L Borup, Adam Z Weber, Deborah J Myers, and Ahmet Kusoglu."New roads and challenges for fuel cells in heavy-duty transportation."Nature Energy
(2021). DOI
Baker, Andrew M, Andrew R Crothers, Kavitha Chintam, Xiaoyan Luo, Adam Z Weber, Rodney L Borup, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Morphology and Transport of Multivalent Cation-Exchanged Ionomer Membranes Using Perfluorosulfonic Acid–CeZ+as a Model System."ACS Applied Polymer Materials
2.8 (2020) 3642 - 3656. DOI
Borup, Rodney L, Ahmet Kusoglu, Kenneth C Neyerlin, Rangachary Mukundan, Rajesh K Ahluwalia, David A Cullen, Karren L More, Adam Z Weber, and Deborah J Myers."Recent developments in catalyst-related PEM fuel cell durability."Current Opinion in Electrochemistry
21 (2020) 192 - 200. DOI
Chintam, Kavitha, Michael R Gerhardt, Andrew M Baker, Derek Richard, Mahlon S Wilson, James Raymond Flesner, Tommy Rockward, Daniel S Hussey, Jacob M LaManna, David L Jacobson, Jon Rau, Adam Z Weber, and Rodney L Borup."Imaging and Modeling of Passive Water Management in a Miniature Fuel Cell."ECS Transactions
92.8 (2019) 395 - 409. DOI
Pant, Lalit M, Michael R Gerhardt, Natalia Macauley, Rangachary Mukundan, Rodney L Borup, and Adam Z Weber."Along-the-channel modeling and analysis of PEFCs at low stoichiometry: Development of a 1+2D model."Electrochimica Acta
326 (2019) 134963. DOI
Spernjak, Dusan, Rangachary Mukundan, Rodney L Borup, Liam G Connolly, Benjamin I Zackin, Vincent De Andrade, Michael Wojcik, Dilworth Y Parkinson, David L Jacobson, Daniel S Hussey, Karren L More, Thomas Chan, Adam Z Weber, and Iryna V Zenyuk."Enhanced Water Management of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells with Additive-Containing Microporous Layers."ACS Applied Energy Materials
(2018). DOI
Steinbach, Andrew J, Jeffrey S Allen, Rodney L Borup, Daniel S Hussey, David L Jacobson, Andrei Komlev, Anthony Kwong, James C MacDonald, Rangachary Mukundan, Matt J Pejsa, Michael Roos, Anthony D Santamaria, James M Sieracki, Dusan Spernjak, Iryna V Zenyuk, and Adam Z Weber."Anode-Design Strategies for Improved Performance of Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells with Ultra-Thin Electrodes."Joule
2.7 (2018) 1297 - 1312. DOI
Mukundan, Rangachary, Andrew M Baker, Ahmet Kusoglu, Paul Beattie, Shanna Knights, Adam Z Weber, and Rodney L Borup."Membrane Accelerated Stress Test Development for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Durability Validated Using Field and Drive Cycle Testing."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
165.6 (2018) F3085 - F3093. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Thomas J Dursch, Colin Blake, Rangachary Mukundan, Rodney L Borup, Adam Z Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Impact of hygrothermal aging on structure/function relationship of perfluorosulfonic-acid membrane."Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
54.5 (2015) 570-581. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Thomas J Dursch, Rodney L Borup, Adam Z Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Effect of Hygrothermal Ageing on PFSA Ionomers' Structure/Property Relationship."ECS Transactions
69.17 (2015) 1017 - 1025. DOI
Weber, Adam Z, Rodney L Borup, Robert M Darling, Prodip K Das, Thomas J Dursch, Wenbin Gu, David Harvey, Ahmet Kusoglu, Shawn Litster, Matthew M Mench, Rangachary Mukundan, Jon P Owejan, Jon G Pharoah, Marc Secanell, and Iryna V Zenyuk."A Critical Review of Modeling Transport Phenomena in Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
161.12 (2014) F1254 - F1299. DOI
Hwang, Gisuk, Hyoungchul Kim, Roger Lujan, Rangachary Mukundan, Dusan Spernjak, Rodney L Borup, Massoud Kaviany, Moo Hwan Kim, and Adam Z Weber."Phase-change-related degradation of catalyst layers in proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells."Electrochimica Acta
95 (2013) 29 - 37. DOI
Fairweather, Joseph, Dusan Spernjak, Adam Z Weber, David Harvey, Silvia Wessel, Daniel S Hussey, David L Jacobson, Kateryna Artyushkova, Rangachary Mukundan, and Rodney L Borup."Effects of Cathode Corrosion on Through-Plane Water Transport in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
160.9 (2013) F980 - F993. DOI
Hussey, Daniel S, Dusan Spernjak, Adam Z Weber, Rangachary Mukundan, Joseph Fairweather, Eric L Brosha, John Davey, Jacob S Spendelow, David L Jacobson, and Rodney L Borup."Accurate measurement of the through-plane water content of proton-exchange membranes using neutron radiography."Journal of Applied Physics
112.10 (2012) 104906. DOI
Mukundan, Rangachary, Greg James, John Davey, Torraco Langlois, Wonseok Yoon, Adam Z Weber, and Rodney L Borup."Accelerated Testing Validation."ECS Trans.
41 (2011).