X Author: Lien-Chun Weng
Kistler, Tobias A, Guosong Zeng, James L Young, Lien-Chun Weng, Chase Aldridge, Keenan Wyatt, Myles A Steiner, Oscar Solorzano, Frances A Houle, Francesca M Toma, Adam Z Weber, Todd G Deutsch, and Nemanja Danilovic."Emergent Degradation Phenomena Demonstrated on Resilient, Flexible, and Scalable Integrated Photoelectrochemical Cells."Advanced Energy Materials
10.48 (2020) 2002706. DOI
Weng, Lien-Chun, Alexis T Bell, and Adam Z Weber."A systematic analysis of Cu-based membrane-electrode assemblies for CO 2 reduction through multiphysics simulation."Energy & Environmental Science
13.10 (2020) 3592-3606. DOI
Weng, Lien-Chun, Alexis T Bell, and Adam Z Weber."Towards membrane-electrode assembly systems for CO2 reduction: a modeling study."Energy & Environmental Science
12.6 (2019) 1950 - 1968. DOI
Weng, Lien-Chun, Alexis T Bell, and Adam Z Weber."Modeling gas-diffusion electrodes for CO 2 reduction."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
20.25 (2018) 16973 - 16984. DOI
Haishiba, Hiroshi, Lien-Chun Weng, YiKai Chen, Hiroki K Sato, Satoshi Yotsuhashi, Chengxiang Xiang, and Adam Z Weber."Effects of Electrolyte Buffer Capacity on Surface Reactant Species and the Reaction Rate of CO2 in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction."The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
122.7 (2018) 3719 - 3726. DOI