X Author: Guido Bender
Lee, Jason K, Tobias Schuler, Guido Bender, Mayank Sabharwal, Xiong Peng, Adam Z Weber, and Nemanja Danilovic."Interfacial engineering via laser ablation for high-performing PEM water electrolysis."Applied Energy
336 (2023) 120853. DOI
Liu, Jiangjin, Zhenye Kang, Dongguo Li, Magnolia Pak, Shaun M Alia, Cy Fujimoto, Guido Bender, Yu Seung Kim, and Adam Z Weber."Elucidating the Role of Hydroxide Electrolyte on Anion-Exchange-Membrane Water Electrolyzer Performance."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
168.5 (2021) 054522. DOI
Ulsh, Michael, Annalisa DeBari, Jacob M Berliner, Iryna V Zenyuk, Peter Rupnowski, Larissa Matvichuk, Adam Z Weber, and Guido Bender."The development of a through-plane reactive excitation technique for detection of pinholes in membrane-containing MEA sub-assemblies."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
44.16 (2019) 8533 - 8547. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V, Nicholas Englund, Guido Bender, Adam Z Weber, and Michael J Ulsh."Reactive impinging-flow technique for polymer-electrolyte-fuel-cell electrode-defect detection."Journal of Power Sources
332 (2016) 372 - 382. DOI
Das, Prodip K, Adam Z Weber, Guido Bender, Austin Manak, Daniel Bittinat, Andrew M Herring, and Michael J Ulsh."Rapid detection of defects in fuel-cell electrodes using infrared reactive-flow-through technique."Journal of Power Sources
261 (2014) 401 - 411. DOI
Aieta, Niccolo V, Prodip K Das, Andrew Perdue, Guido Bender, Andrew M Herring, Adam Z Weber, and Michael J Ulsh."Applying infrared thermography as a quality-control tool for the rapid detection of polymer-electrolyte-membrane-fuel-cell catalyst-layer-thickness variations."Journal of Power Sources
211 (2012) 4 - 11. DOI