Ji Su
Dr. Ji Su holds B.S. from Dalian Polytechnic University. Next, he earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Catalysis Chemistry and Engineering at Dalian University of Technology. Dr. Su continued his postdoctoral research in heterogeneous catalysis at University of Nevada, Reno, then at Chemical Sciences Division of LBNL. Dr. Su was a project scientist at The Molecular Foundry. Now, Dr. Su is a Material Staff Scientist at Energy Storage & Distributed Resources Division (ESDR).
2023 R&D 100 Award: Cost-Effective and Clean Hydrogen Production With Molten Catalysis - August 23rd 2023
Hydrogen as a new fuel is critical to decarbonizing our economy and reducing our environmental impact. However, many processes that produce hydrogen also produce carbon dioxide (CO2), a known greenhouse gas. A team of Berkeley Lab researchers has improved a process called methane pyrolysis to produce hydrogen and carbon without CO2 emissions. The researchers developed a ternary-liquid-metal-catalyst for methane pyrolysis. Their new “multi-catalyst” could simultaneously perform with high efficiency, selectivity, and durability for methane pyrolysis at mild temperatures (450-800 oC). Most importantly, this new catalyst can be easily fabricated using non-precious metal elements, making it both scalable and cost-effective for industrial use. The technology was filed for US patent application (Homogeneous Ternary Liquid Metal System for Clean Hydrogen Production – Intellectual Property Office) and the core science understanding was accepted in journal Science.