Ahmet Kusoglu
Ahmet Kusoglu is a Staff Scientist in the Energy Conversion Group at Berkeley Lab, working on ionomers and functional materials for hydrogen and clean energy applications. His research theme spans fundamental aspects of ion-conductive materials and soft-hard interfaces for electrochemical systems and related chemical-mechanical phenomena for improving durability in applied energy technologies.
Dr. Kusoglu has published over 80 peer-reviewed journal publications and 2 book chapters on polymer-electrolyte membranes. He has been invited to present his work at various industry forums, universities, and international meetings, including the Electrochemical Society, American Chemical Society, Golden Gate Polymer Forum, and Gordon Research Conference (GRC). He has been part of multiple DOE-funded consortia M2FCT, HydroGEN, H2NEW, and CIWE. He is the recipient of the S.Srinivasan Young Investigator Award of the Energy Technology Division of the Electrochemical Society and the ECS Toyota Fellowship.
His team's research encompasses modeling and experimental characterization of ion-containing polymers, thin films, and interfaces to improve their stability and functionalities in electrochemical devices and to develop durable materials for clean energy technologies (e.g., fuel cells, water-splitting electrolyzers, flow batteries, and CO2-reduction systems). His group’s research approach involves chemical and mechanical interrogation of functional materials, data-driven systematic property measurements, and multi-modal morphological investigations of soft matter through advanced X-ray techniques at the Advanced Light Source (ALS).
His broader interests include hydrogen and transportation, science communication, and data visualization. He serves as the communication officer of the DOE-funded Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck consortium, overseeing the outreach and education efforts related to fuel cell trucks and their impact on society. He gave lectures on these topics, such as the H2IQ webinar on heavy-duty trucks, and the Electrochemical Society webinar on Clean Hydrogen. He is also a contributing editor for Electrochemical Interface writing on Clean Energy, Hydrogen, and Transportation.
Spot: Ahmet Kusoglu - July 6th 2018
For his masterful work in designing and establishing the Energy Conversion Group website and associated direction.
Electrochemical Society's Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship 2017-2018 - June 26th 2017
Ahmet Kusoglu, from ETA's Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division, has received the Electrochemical Society's Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship for 2017-2018, which recognizes outstanding young researchers in the field of energy technology that may promote the development of next-generation vehicles capable of utilizing alternative fuels. He will receive $50,000 to conduct the research outlined in his proposal within in one year.
Spot: Ahmet Kusoglu - May 4th 2017
For his dedication and effort in publishing a seminal review on PFSA membranes.
Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award - October 31st 2016
Ahmet Kusoglu, of ETA's Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division, has received the Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award of The Electrochemical Society recognizing outstanding young researchers in the field of energy technology. Kusoglu will receive his award at the 2017 Spring ECS meeting.
Best Poster Paper Award at the 2012 Fuel Cell Science and Technology Grove Conference, Berlin - April 17th 2012
Ahmet Kusoglu, Anthony Kwong, Kyle Clark, Haluna Gunterman and Adam Z. Weber received the Best Poster award at the 2012 Fuel Cell Science and Technology Grove Conference, Berlin for a poster titles "Water Uptake in Fuel‐Cell Catalyst Layers."