Webinar: From Imagined Colors to Clean Reality in Hydrogen Production

Hydrogen is a colorless gas, but when it comes to talking about it – there’s a rainbow of possibilities. Energy professionals often use a color code system to categorize hydrogen by the carbon-emission impact of its production method.
This simplified naming system can help ease conversations about research and policy towards a clean hydrogen vision and decarbonized future. However, as more advanced production pathways emerge, the concept may need to be refined. Will the hydrogen color system stand up beside next-generation hydrogen technology?
Ahmet Kusoglu, staff scientist in the Energy Conversion Group at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), is working to demystify the conversation surrounding hydrogen colors in an upcoming webinar hosted by the Electrochemical Society. The free one-hour presentation was held March 23 at 11 a.m. PST.
See the webinar here: physicsworld.com/a/hydrogen-production-from-imagined-colours-to-clean-reality/
View the original webinar link and abstract here: www.electrochem.org/ecsnews/ecs-webinar-hydrogen-production/