Goyal Receives Best Poster Presentation Award

Priyamvada Goyal, a postdoctoral researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), received the Best Poster Presentation award at a recent conference hosted by the American Chemical Society's (ACS) Division of Polymer Chemistry.
Goyal's poster presentation focused on the integration of selectivity measures and property correlations for cation uptake in ionomers — a research area that's central to Goyal's work on fuel cells and electrolyzers at Berkeley Lab.
As part of the Energy Technologies Area’s Energy Conversion Group (ECG), Goyal develops a wide range of models to help analyze interactions within ionomer membranes that are not directly observable. With guidance from two ECG colleagues, Ahmet Kusoglu and Adam Weber, she developed thermodynamic models that played a key role in the work she presented through her ACS poster.
For Goyal, receiving the ACS honor has proved validating — not only for her research, but for the work taking place across Berkeley Lab every day.
"Recognition for your work, especially by your own community, always feels good and encouraging," said Goyal. "Winning the award for this particular poster reaffirmed my belief that the behind-the-scenes work that strengthens the foundation of a field is incredibly valuable."